Weekly League Play 3 sessions per year to qualify for the World Qualifier (WQ): Summer, Fall and SpringRegister Your Team Now! (Online Team Registration Form)
World Qualifier (WQ) South OC APA currently sends two 8-ball teams, two 9-ball teams to the APA World Pool Championships (WPC) in Vegas!
Southwest Challenge (SWC)Pre-registered 3-person team event, league areas in the Southwest region of the United States compete in Vegas twice a year: 8-Ball in Spring and 9-Ball in Fall
Masters3-4 person teams, non-handicapped competition, local league play & national championship events
Doubles 8-Ball & 9-Ball local league play and Jack & Jill tournaments to qualify for the Doubles Championships held during the APA Poolplayer Championships in Vegas
Double Jeopardy - South County(8-Ball & 9-Ball Open)
Double Jeopardy - Beach Cities
5 p.m.
8-Ball Open - Beach Cities
7 p.m.
Double Jeopardy - South County
9-Ball Open - Beach Cities
Double Jeopardy -South County
Monthly Division ... coming soon
Ladies Only 8-Ball - All areas(2nd Saturday of the month)
12 noon
Come and play pool with fewer teams and currently only one level (weekly league play) to get to the World Qualifier (WQ). The league year consists of 3 sessions: Summer, Fall and Spring. Each session gives your team a chance to qualify for the South OC WQ in June. But you better hurry because we're growing fast, so now is the time to try your luck, or if you've got skill, bring it!
The Southwest Challenge events occur in Las Vegas twice a year, 8-Ball in the Spring and 9-Ball in the Fall. Members from league areas in the Southwest US region form teams of 3 players and compete for trophies and cash of up to $3,599 for first place!The main event is a tournament where teams compete with a unique "rotating shooting order" that gives all members of the team an equal opportunity to play. Each team must declare their shooting order when submitting entry forms before the tournament. Teams must rotate through their rosters during the tournament, keeping the same shooting order (rather than posting and counter posting as in weekly league play). This forces teams to rely on all teammates to help them advance through the tournament, and may create some interesting match-ups with surprising results!In addition to the main event, all active players in the southwest region can enter mini-tournaments throughout the weekend. Entry fees range from $10-20 with 100% cash payback! Tournaments may have up to 8 or 16 or 32 on a board, range in 8-ball and 9-ball formats, for singles and doubles teams, and may be tiered by Skill Level or open to all Skill Levels. If you're not playing in the main event, current APA members can still participate for a nominal green fee since all tables are open throughout the entire event!Look for news articles on the home page and event fliers with entry forms as the tournaments approach!Below are links to SWC General Information & Rules of Play:* General Information for 3-player teams* General Information for 9-Ball Doubles teams* Rules of Play for 3-player teams* Rules of Play for Doubles teams* Mini Tournament Participation Guidelines* Skill Level Cert form
For the 8-ball tournament, these are the requirements for each team:
Click here for SWC 8-Ball Rules of Play.
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For the 9-ball tournament, these are the requirements for each team:
Click here for SWC 9-Ball Rules of Play.
* number of teams advancing is dependent upon the amount of slots allocated to SOCAPA.
Contact Allison at southoc@apaleagues.com if you would like to form a team or join a team!!! More information on the Masters Division: 2025-2026 Masters Division Information
*Number of teams advancing to the championship event is dependent upon the number of slots allocated to South OC APA
2024 Team Captains Tournament
2023 Team Captains Tournament